Charly Malpass | 6th Street Studios| Artist Residency
My childhood was spent in the woods behind the house my father built. I was drawn to the woods as a place where I felt small as an observer and large as a narrator, and this is the same feeling that draws me to painting. Making art allows me to soak in my ever-changing environment and visually reconstruct memories with poetic rendering. This past year, my work has broadly developed from an interest in nature to a fascination for sustainability.
I am currently teamed up with “Tomorrow’s Artist”, a recycling company that collects and filters discarded paint from consumer drop-off sites, to then create high-quality paint for artists. Since I’m working with repurposed materials, I can use imagery to make a case to a broader, more diverse audience that art not only matters, it is indispensable to creating a better world. My paintings reflect the beauty of the natural world, the environmental challenges we face, and the opportunities for recovery and redemption.